FUT hair transplantation

Follicular Unit Transplantation


The method

The state-of-the-art technology of micro-grafts allows to transfer genetically diverse hairs from the area at the back of the scalp towards the area with no growth or of poor density.

Hair transplant or Follicle transplant of the FUT type takes on average 8 hours and is performed under local anaesthetic with orally administered sedation.

You remain conscious but are relaxed and sedated from your anaesthetic. You will experience little or no discomfort during the procedure. After harvesting from the scalp’s donor area the latter will be sutured or surgically stitched.

The suture will be removed after a period of 10 to 15 days. You could resume socialising the day after surgery.


greffe fut procedure

Harvesting from the donor area


The donor zone is removed from the occipital region in the shape of a strip. After photographing your density and after verification of your laxity we will determine the length and width of the strip of hair to be cut.

The extraction region was carefully selected in order to transfer the most resistant hairs. The thinnest hairs, located around the ears, are often used for the anterior hairline which guarantees an even more natural result.

The resulting laceration is then sutured using a tension-free technique. The scar is totally invisible as it is covered by your hair.

Dissection into slivers

In order to facilitate cutting away the follicular grafts, the strip is cut into slivers (thin slices each comprising a row of follicles) by use of a microscope shedding its cold light (optical light). This stage is of primordial importance in order to facilitate the next stage, and requires dexterity of the surgeon/technician of both hands and hours of experience.

Dissection into grafts

Each sliver is divided into follicular units (natural hair groups). Our technicians carefully cut around each graft in order to maintain only the vital essence. Our experience, together with next-generation stereo microscopes, allows us to treat the most difficult cases.

The viability of the grafts depends on proper storage in a physiological saline solution. That way, our technicians never cut away more than a single graft at once.

Grafts are then gathered per hair cluster in order to be implanted in an individually designed pattern. We work in perfect harmony, each technician performing his cuts with exactly the same level of quality.

The incisions

Incisions are carried out by use of ultra-thin blades selected according to the grafts’ individual size. They are performed respecting a specific personal pattern and angulation in order to confer a natural aspect.

The number of incisions will be determined based on the follicular density of the strip and on the result desired by the patient.

The anterior hairline will be restored by incisions that will be recipients for hair grafts.


The grafts are individually implanted in the incisions by use of forceps. We use Zeiss surgical loupes with high magnification in order to not damage the grafts when placing them. Finally, the grafts return to their original context where they can be nurtured, oxygenated and where they can embed themselves in the skin.

Graft growth

Often, grafts (including the bulbs) fall out after three weeks. Rest assured : the stem cells are still embedded in the scalp and will be root to regrowth of new hairs in average after three or four months.



Superior density

The aim of hair transplant is to produce a maximum amount of hairs in a limited area. FUT (Follicular unit transplantation) answers this demand. Microscope aided cutting, performed by experienced technicians, allows to reduce each graft to its vital essence. As a result, reducing the grafts in size will allow us to group them in order to obtain superior density. We manage to achieve 40 grafts per square cm, which corresponds to a quantity of hairs ranging from 40 to 120 per square cm.

This varying number is due to the varying numbers of hairs per graft in function of the treated area. E.g. : at the edge of the anterior hairline only grafts containing 1 hair are implanted. The closer we get to the crown, more grafts with a higher number of hairs will be used.

A natural aspect

We determine the number of incisions to be made in the recipient zone by taking several macro-photos of your donor area. After careful examination of these photos we get an estimate of the number of available grafts and of the number of hairs they contain.

This information allows us to create your personalized incision and implantation pattern. Different sizes of micro-blades are available in order to receive grafts containing 1 to 4 hairs. This balanced and controlled redistribution will offer you a perfectly natural result.

Grafts containing a single hair or « singles » will be placed on the anterior hairline followed by grafts containing two. Grafts containing three to four hairs will be embedded in the interior part of the grafted zones.

Respect for the follicular units (favouring growth)

Various researches showed regrowth rates close to 98% when microscopes were used when cutting the follicular units. Moreover, enhanced and high quality imaging through our stereo microscopes allows to avoid transections.

As your donor zone is of limited quantity (10.000 follicular units in average) we went through great lengths to assure each harvested hair is transferred in optimum conditions.

Thanks to microscope baseplates with integrated filters of different colours (Bright Field and Dark Field), our microscopes allow us to cut white hairs with optimum visibility and contrast.


Use of ultra-thin incisions allows us to densify zones still containing hair. You no longer need to be entirely bald in order to reap the benefits of hair transplant.

No scarring around the transplanted hairs

Use of micro-incisions (to create the slots that will receive the follicle units) allows to prevent scarring around the base of the transplanted hairs. Such is not the case when using unsuitable, blunt instruments which causes damage to the tissue.

Our microscope-aided cutting allows to thin the follicle units’ epithelia. When implanting, only the hairs themselves protrude from the scalp with no excess skin tissue present.


avantages inconvenients fut

FUT constraints


Linear scar

The linear scar of the donor area can in some cases be more apparent. It will be more visible for patients with impaired wound healing. In particular for those developing thicker, distended and keloid scars.

Too little or too much scalp laxity can generate larger scars.

Post-surgery recovery

Post-surgery recovery will take longer. Loss of sensitivity can persist for an average of 4 months following the FUT procedure. During immediate post-surgical recovery, patients sometimes experience tension in the donor zone.

Appropriate pain medication prescribed by your doctor during post-surgical recovery will relieve this tension.

Physical exercise

FUT scars are located at the occipital protuberance. This zone is selected because it holds hairs that qualify best for hair transplant. It’s also the region where neck muscles are anchored. Excessive and premature post-surgical involvement of neck and shoulders can induce larger scars.


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