Glossary of terms used on this site

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General term describing hair loss. There are different types of alopecia and different causes for it.

Alopecia areata

bald spots due to inflammation of the hair roots caused by auto-immune reaction.

Anagen phase

is the active part of the hair’s growth cycle. ( see “hair cycle”) Normally 85% of the hair is in the anagen phase, which has a 2 to 6 year duration


general term describing the full range of male sexual hormones, of which the most important is testosterone. These hormones are secreted for 95% by the testicles and for 5% by the adrenal glands, and are also responsible for almost all types of male hair loss.

Androgenetic alopecia

is the genetic predisposition for hair loss. Male and/or female androgenetic alopecia, also called androgenic alopecia or hair loss. Hair loss comes with age and manifests itself as shedding on the sides and on the top of men’s skulls (masculine androgenetic alopecia) whereas in women, a general thinning of the hair mass  (feminine androgenetic alopecia),occurs predominately  on the top of the skull. Nevertheless, diffuse hair loss also occurs in male androgenetic alopecia and hair loss on the sides of the head can sometimes occur in female alopecia


substance that blocks the functioning of male hormones. Some anti-androgens are effective for hair loss treatment.


a fibrous membrane (Galéa) enveloping a muscle or a group of muscles and acts as a separating element between them.

Arrector pili muscles

small muscle between the follicle and the skin that allows the hairs to rise when an individual is cold or scared.


when the organism considers its own cells to be foreign bodies and starts eliminating them.

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